ready to drive accountability in their organization

May 1, Wednesday @ 12 PM EST
Can't make it live? Recording available!

Presented by:
Dr. Anne Dranitsaris &
Heather Dranitsaris-Hilliard


  • Discover the 4 key mistakes leaders and organizations make when it comes to creating and sustaining a culture of accountability…
  • Understand how a lack of leadership accountability competency fosters a wide range of organizational dysfunctions including silos, finger pointing, chaos, frustration, disengagement, entitlement, quiet quitting, and more...
  • ​Learn the exact blueprint you can implement immediately to drive accountability at all levels…
  • ​Find out important next steps to get your leadership team to Foster a Culture of Accountability

Can't attend live? No worries! Register anyway, as webinar is recorded
and made available for you to revisit and benefit from at your convenience.


Accountability is mistakenly perceived as a confrontational, one-time corrective action. It is also seen something that people either have or they don't have. These beliefs result in leaders feeling too powerless to lead.

  • What accountability actually means and how its fostered
  • How leaders inadvertently contribute to the dysfunction of a lack of accountability
  • ​The role of fear and emotions in leading (or not leading) for accountability

Many leaders believe the way to make employees accountable is to model the behavior they want to see or to 'empower'. Then they get frustrated when employees keep acting the same problematic way.

  • The need to cultivate employee followership vs. empowerment
  • Why behaviour modelling only leads to performance issues and dysfunctions
  • Importance of working the accountability cycle to foster alignment at all levels

A lack of accountability drives many organizational dysfunctions and issues. Unfortunately, most leaders do not know what actions to take nor how to take them effectively to eliminate the dysfunction they are creating.

  • Why leaders blame employees for a lack of accountability
  • The leadership mindset that keeps leaders stuck and frustrated
  • ​The six actions of leadership accountability and why you can't miss any of them

Can't attend live? No worries!
Register anyway. The webinar is recorded for you to watch at your convenience.

Learn the 4 Critical Mistakes that Contribute
to a Lack of Accountability in Organizations

Are you aware that a staggering 60-70% of employees believe their leaders don't set clear expectations for them? Moreover, did you realize that many view accountability as merely a consequence for past actions, with feedback typically given only when something goes wrong or not at all?

84% of survey participants feel the way leaders behave is the single most important factor influencing accountability in their organizations.

And yet...

Leaders believe employees are the problem. They say, "It's entitlement, laziness, or they just don't listen."

But to truly foster a culture of accountability, the responsibility lies with leaders, not to make their employees more accountable, but to set up the circumstance's where employee can be successful.

Our Why Leaders Avoid Fostering Accountability Webinar will shine the light on and help you and your leadership team reverse the damage being done to your organization by a lack of accountability. It will show you common mistakes and mindsets leaders have than inadvertently make the problems worse.

So if your organization is experiencing a decrease in productivity, missed deadlines, presenteeism, power struggles or other dysfunctions, this webinar is for you. You'll find out how to get back in the LEADERS SEAT, fostering a culture of accountability and setting the stage for sustained growth and success.


With over 75 combined years of expertise, the co-founders of Caliber Leadership Systems, Dr. Anne Dranitsaris & Heather Dranitsaris-Hilliard have developed thousands of leaders globally through their coaching, training and organizational consulting work with clients. They are the co-authors of many books including "So, You Think You Can Lead?" which is used as a textbook for training new and even seasoned leaders on how to lead with authority.

Anne Dranitsaris, Ph.D.

With over 30 years of experience, Anne is a revered Executive and Corporate Leadership Coach and Consultant, having assisted leaders from start-ups to global entities. From her days as the Director of Development for two start-ups in the late 1980s, Anne recognized the common growth hurdles businesses faced, propelling her to become one of Toronto’s pioneering executive coaches.

Her vast experience, combined with an in-depth grasp of developmental psychology, empowers her to understand and navigate the intricacies of leadership behaviors, swiftly guiding leaders past obstacles and ensuring organizational success.

Dr. Anne's groundbreaking work in psychometric assessment and the dynamics of human behavior culminated in the co-creation of the Striving Styles™ Personality System (SSPS™)—a novel neuro-psychological framework to unearth and nurture one's full potential.

Heather Dranitsaris-Hilliard

For over 25 years, Heather has championed transformation in more than 300 companies, from startups to global giants, leveraging Caliber's distinctive methods to help clients surmount barriers and fully harness their potential.

Through her adept understanding of the brain's organization and emotional behavior triggers, she crafts pragmatic solutions that ensure superior team and leadership outcomes. Heather's approach is a blend of strategic thought and hands-on guidance, making her an invaluable asset for leaders, especially those navigating complex organizational challenges.

Whether guiding clients out of dysfunction or steering leadership teams during challenging transitions, she stands out as a leader who can "lead the leaders".

Anne and Heather are the co-creators and hosts of the Dismantling Dysfunction podcast, where they introduce listeners to the most common dysfunctions in organizations and help dismantle them by delving into the systemic causes behind them and telling listeners exactly what to do about it.

Accountability isn’t just a static label or a box you tick off.
It’s a vibrant, ever-evolving process that has a clear beginning, a purposeful middle, and a decisive end.


Most people who attend this free webinar come because they have tried to fix the lack of accountability but still experience resistance. By joining us, you will learn the exact blueprint that you and your leadership team need to foster a culture of accountability.

Can't attend live? No worries! Register anyway, as
webinar is recorded and made available for you
to revisit and benefit from at your convenience.

Award Winning Book
"So, You Think You Can Lead?"

"This book opened my eyes to how permissive I have been as a leader. With the book's guidance, I am working on being effective at all stages of the performance development cycle."

Featured in O Magazine
"Who Are You Meant To Be?", Article & Quiz

Top Article of 2009 that continues to be featured, shared and commented on how powerful the quiz is in supporting people to discover who they are meant to be