Get your personalized Power Up Blueprint

I invite you to join me in a private strategy call where I work with you to create your specific blueprint to breaking the patterns of behavior that keep you from feeling entitled to exercise your power and authority as a leader.

This personalized roadmap will give you the step-by-step blueprint to become the leader you are meant to be.

($XXX $0 - very limited time offer)

Is the Power Up Blueprint right for you?

If you are a female leader or entrepreneur, who...

  • Mutes your voice or your power at work or home
  • Reads every book available yet still adapts to "be nice, good, liked...etc"
  • Tried leadership training or coaching without getting real results
  • Is tired of being "superwoman" and yet never feeling good enough
  • ​Feels that you have more potential to tap than you are

Then YES, the Power Up Blueprint will show you the exact actions to take to breakthrough your habits of mind and lead with authority.

Power Up Blueprint for Female Leaders

In this consult you will discover...


Discover the true source of your resistance to leading powerfully. Identify the instinctual survival archetypes that you use (we all do!) that hold you back from exercising your power and unleashing your full potential as a female leader or entrepreneur.


Learn how to put an end to adaptive, permissive and bad leadership habits that undermine your effectiveness and satisfaction. Understand how to leverage your whole brain and engage your executive function to become a powerful and authentic leader.


Identify 10 specific actions that you need to take to power up your leadership and impact. Get practical, step-by-step guidance on what to do first, second, order to own your authentic leadership power and become the
leader you are meant to be..

What Actual Clients Have to Say About Heather & Anne

"I appreciate your straight-forward approach. Your "no fluff" policy means the world to me because I just don't have the time or the money (or the patience!) to waste anymore.

I have spent thousands upon thousands to find that "missing piece" that was holding me back as a leader and you really helped to shave that down"


"Heather's training is out of this world amazing!

Filled with amazing value and personalization that you won't get anywhere else!

I did it and it already changed my leadership impact immensely!"


"Ladies, let me tell you it can be done!
With Heather's & Anne's help, you can lead with authority!

In one year, I have refocused my role, eliminated performance gaps and entitlement on my team, decreased my time in the weeds, delegated non-value-add activities from my plate, and stopped tolerating being devalued by my peers, and so much more.


Schedule Your Session & Get Your Personalized "Power Up Blueprint" Now...

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